UC-08 Efficient Carbon Reporting

Smart Facilities Management

Carbon reporting in buildings helps companies identify emission reduction opportunities, improve energy efficiency, and save on operational costs. Integration with sustainability reporting not only provides vital information about building performance, but also sets companies apart by attracting tenants and customers, enhancing brand reputation, increasing overall value, and driving positive environmental change.


Did you know that according to the CDP's report titled "Embedding a Carbon Price into Business Strategy," companies using carbon reporting initiatives achieved average cost savings of $1.6 million per year?

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Scope 1 - Carbon Emission Report on company owned/controlled resources

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Scope 2 - Carbon Emission Report on indirect emissions from purchased energy​

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Scope 3 - Carbon Emission Report on emissions linked to company operations​

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Carbon Calculation and Reporting​

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Carbon Tax Calculation​

Third Party Integrations

With Lucy, our no-code smart workplace design platform, this solution can seamlessly integrate with third-party products and software.

PV System
Utility Meters